Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Genetic Programming: Evolution of Mona Lisa
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Benefits in Battlefield Robots, Moral Questions Remain
"In the heat of battle, their minds clouded by fear, anger or vengefulness, even the best-trained soldiers can act in ways that violate the Geneva Conventions or battlefield rules of engagement. Now some researchers suggest that robots could do better.'
"C. Arkin, a computer scientist at Georgia Tech, is designing software for battlefield robots. 'My research hypothesis is that intelligent robots can behave more ethically in the battlefield than humans currently can,' said Ronald C. Arkin, a computer scientist at Georgia Tech, who is designing software for battlefield robots under contract with the Army. 'That’s the case I make.'"
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Honda Unveils Robot That Helps You Walk One of the first commercial applications of what I expect will be a growing field of assistive prosthetics: "Imagine a bicycle seat connected by mechanical frames to a pair of shoes for an idea of how the new wearable assisted-walking gadget from Honda works.
The experimental device, unveiled Friday, is designed to support bodyweight, reduce stress on the knees and help people get up steps and stay in crouching positions."
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Robotic ants building homes on Mars?
ICT Results -- Robotic ants building homes on Mars?: "Recent discoveries of water and Earth-like soil on Mars have set imaginations running wild that human beings may one day colonise the Red Planet. However, the first inhabitants might not be human in form at all, but rather swarms of tiny robots.
“Small robots that are able to work together could explore the planet. We now know there is water and dust so all they would need is some sort of glue to start building structures, such as homes for human scientists,” says Marc Szymanski, a robotics researcher at the University of Karlsruhe in Germany.
Szymanski is part of a team of European researchers developing tiny autonomous robots that can co-operate to perform different tasks, much like termites, ants or bees forage collaboratively for food, build nests and work together for the greater good of the colony."
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Researchers develop "robotic apprentices"
The artificial intelligence was developed by Stanford University for use in robotic helicopters which learn to fly and perform stunts by watching 'expert' helicopters perform the same tasks, rather than by having software engineers input every individual instruction."
Friday, September 26, 2008
Technology Doesn’t Dumb Us Down. It Frees Our Minds.
"When Hewlett-Packard invented the HP-35, the first hand-held scientific calculator, in 1972, the device was banned from some engineering classrooms. Professors feared that engineers would use it as a crutch, that they would no longer understand the relationships that either penciled calculations or a slide rule somehow provided for proficient scientific thought.
"But the HP-35 hardly stultified engineering skills. Instead, in the last 36 years those engineers have brought us iPods, cellphones, high-definition TV and, yes, Google and Twitter. It freed engineers from wasting time on mundane tasks so they could spend more time creating.
10 future shocks for the next 10 years
Robot assistant gives surgeons a cutting look
"The device has been integrated into a da Vinci surgical robot - a tool that allows surgeons to perform keyhole procedures by mimicking their hand movements. However, according to a team from the Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery at Imperial College London, surgeons often need more than two hands when it comes to positioning additional instruments such as endoscopes or lasers."
Wall Street's collapse may be computer science's gain
"William Dally, chairman of the computer science department at Stanford University, said that for the last several years, he has watched some students interested in technology go into banking and finance because those fields could be more lucrative.
"'Many thought they could make more money in hedge funds,' Dally said. He said students are returning to computer science because they like the field and not because it can necessarily make them rich.
"John Gallaugher, associate professor of information systems in the Carroll School of Management at Boston College, said he's already seeing a shift in student interest.
"'Students have commented to me and written on their course wikis that they're considering changing from finance [majors], both based on the appeal of IS and concern over availability of finance jobs' in the future, Gallaugher said."
GR: I like the trend -- choose computer science because you love it, not just to get rich (although employment trends are strong!)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Technology could have prevented train crash
Should technology be given more autonomy, to overrule human error?
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Blog post on Study CS! describes new game
Hmmm, I have a new idea for a virtual online world in which people play characters who post blog posts on virtual virtual blogs.
'Warcraft' Sequel Lets Gamers Play A Character Playing 'Warcraft'
I can't wait for World of World of World of Warcraft!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
First Humanoid Robot That Will Develop Language
"ITALK aims to teach the robot to speak by employing the same methods used by parents to teach their children. Professor Nehaniv and Professor Dautenhahn, who are European leaders in Artificial Intelligence and Human Robot Interaction, will conduct experiments in human and robot language interaction to enable the robot to converse with humans.
"Typical experiments with the iCub robot will include activities such as inserting objects of various shapes into the corresponding holes in a box, serialising nested cups and stacking wooden blocks. Next, the iCub will be asked to name objects and actions so that it acquires basic phrases such as "robot puts stick on cube".
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A Market Decline in Search of a Reason -
A broad sell-off sent the Dow Jones industrial average down 260 points in afternoon trading, hours after the government reported that the number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits unexpectedly rose last week."
See I told you the market was crashing
Monday, September 1, 2008
Where are the researchers for AI with a conscience?
J. Storrs Hall: "Most existing AI research is completely pragmatic, without any reference to moral structures in cognitive architectures. That is to be expected: just getting the darn thing to be intelligent is as hard a problem as we can handle now, and there is time enough to worry about the brakes after the engine is working. As I noted before, much of the most advanced research is sponsored by the military or corporations. In the military, the notion of an autonomous machine being able to question its orders on moral grounds is anathema. In corporate industry, the top goal seems likely to be the financial benefit of the company. Thus, the current probable sources of AI will not adhere to a universally adopted philanthropic formulation, such as Asimov's Three Laws. The reasonable assumption then is that a wide variety of AIs with differing goal structures will appear in the coming decades."
Virtual Reality Gets Real: Augmented Reality
"Virtual reality (VR) is a powerful tool, but its true potential remains unrealised. Applications mixing the virtual and real worlds, called mixed or augmented reality (AR), are weak. There are few reliable systems, and what exists are very expensive. Collaboration is limited and still relatively unsophisticated. And the state of the art is anchored to the desktop or multi-tiled, or multi-screen, displays. Both are fixed solutions.
"But VR and AR could do so much more. They could enable onsite sketching of a proposed building design, to reveal the real-world impact on the cityscape, or allow teams to review, annotate and amend proposed and existing car designs. The technology could enable engineers and designers to collaborate with other, distant teams. And it could pave the way even for consumers to contribute to production of better, more successful products."
Avatars deserve nice hair, too

"Imagine avatars of your favorite actors wandering through 3D virtual worlds with hair that looks almost exactly like it does in real life. This level of realism for animated hairstyles is one step closer to the silver screen, thanks to new research being presented at SIGGRAPH, one of the most competitive computer graphics conferences in the world. The breakthrough is a collaboration between researchers at UC San Diego, Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq: ADBE) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
"The computer graphics researchers captured the shape and appearance of hairstyles of real people using multiple cameras, light sources and projectors. The computer scientists then created algorithms to “fill in the blanks” and generate photo-realistic images of the ha"
Kidney Surgically Removed Using Robotics
"We traditionally try to save the kidney for smaller tumors, performing a robotic partial nephrectomy", says Dr. Rogers. "For larger tumors, however, patients would get a very large incision on their side. Now, we can remove kidneys with cancer through a single three- inch incision near the patient's belly button."
"The potential benefits to performing the SIRS nephrectomy are improved cosmetics, quicker recovery times, less scarring and blood loss.
Automated writing tutor assists, outperforms human experts
"Twenty four districts have decided to use MY Access! this school year after teachers, directors and administrators from across the state saw a marked improvement in student performance.
The program, called MyAccess, "...instantly scores the essays on a scale of one to six. This provides immediate feedback to students, and saves teachers valuable grading time so they can focus on personalized, targeted student instruction instead. Students are engaged and motivated by immediate remedial instruction. And teachers say MY Access! scores are more accurate than expert human scorers, giving educators the time and confidence to focus on one-on-one instruction instead of paper-grading."
"Students are engaged and motivated by immediate remedial instruction. And teachers say MY Access! scores are more accurate than expert human scorers, giving educators the time and confidence to focus on one-on-one instruction instead of paper-grading. That's the kind of help teachers in Utah's schools need to assist them in managing large classrooms, many of which have up to 40 students."
MIT Helps Computers Think Like Humans
"The researchers' algorithm lets computers use multiple approaches to examine data, much like the way humans size up the world."
"In a development that will extend the eternal quest of creating computers that think like humans, two researchers working at Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a model that helps computers recognize patterns in the same way as humans do.
The two researchers, associate professor of brain and cognitive sciences Josh Tenenbaum and recent MIT PhD recipient Charles Kemp, produced a broad algorithm that examines several different approaches of looking at data that is similar to the way humans typically size up different situations."
Computer program gains ground in "go" competition
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Could RFID and satellites help fight kidnappers?
"That's what Mexican security firm Xega SA, which sells technology for tracking people, wants to do, particularly in cases when people are held for ransom. For about $3,700, the company will implant a chip the size of a grain of rice (it costs another $1,800 per year for monitoring), reports the Telegraph. Although it is unclear where the chip is likely to be implanted in a person's body its customers carry with them a panic button that can be pressed if a person feels he or she is in danger. A transmitter then sends signals via satellite to pinpoint the location of a person in distress, reports Reuters.
How RFID Tags Could Be Used to Track Unsuspecting People
"If you live in a state bordering Canada or Mexico, you may soon be given an opportunity to carry a very high tech item: a remotely readable driver’s license. Designed to identify U.S. citizens as they approach the nation’s borders, the cards are being promoted by the Department of Homeland Security as a way to save time and simplify border crossings. But if you care about your safety and privacy as much as convenience, you might want to think twice before signing up."
RFID--A Key to Automating Everything: Scientific American
"Today systems based on radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology are helping to move Weiser’s vision closer to reality. These systems consist of tags (small silicon chips that contain identifying data and sometimes other information) and of readers that automatically receive and decode that data.
'Frankenrobot' Has Biological Brain
"Stitched together from cultured rat neurons, Gordon's primitive grey matter was designed at the University of Reading by scientists who unveiled the neuron-powered machine on Wednesday.
"Their groundbreaking experiments explore the vanishing boundary between natural and artificial intelligence, and could shed light on the fundamental building blocks of memory and learning, one of the lead researchers said."
Human exoskeleton suit helps paralyzed people walk
"That is the sound of an electronic exoskeleton moving the 41-year-old's legs and propelling him forward -- with a proud expression on his face -- as passersby stare in surprise.
"The device, called ReWalk, is the brainchild of engineer Amit Goffer, founder of Argo Medical Technologies, a small Israeli high-tech company.
"Something of a mix between the exoskeleton of a crustacean and the suit worn by comic hero Iron Man, ReWalk helps paraplegics -- people paralyzed below the waist -- to stand, walk and climb stairs."
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Are you a human scanner?
"But what you may not know is that you also have helped archivists decipher distorted characters in old books and newspapers so that they can be posted on the Web."
A sign of human-machine collaborative thinking?
Friday, April 11, 2008
Supercomputer Beats Go Master
It was just a 9x9 board, but still an impressive step for AI.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Web Mashups Made Easy
"The Web, for all its usefulness, is still a fairly unorganized collection of information. For years, programmers have been connecting disparate bits of information by making "mashups," websites that combine information from two or more sources, such as Google maps and Craigslist rental listings. But mashup making has remained the domain of geeks who know how to program, or at least highly motivated novices who want to learn.
"A new research project from Intel Research, in Berkeley, CA, is trying to take some of the mystery out of crafting a mashup. Called Mash Maker, the project aims to let people use their ordinary Web browsers to combine information from different sites. If, for example, you are looking at apartments on Craigslist, you can easily add information about nearby restaurants from Yelp, a recommendation site, essentially augmenting the data on the Craigslist page. With another few clicks of a button, you can put the apartments and Yelp listings on a Google map, which will also appear within the Craigslist page. The next time you visit the Craigslist page, you can reopen the mashup, and it will automatically use new data from the site.
AI researchers think 'Rascals' can pass Turing test
'We are building a knowledge base that corresponds to all of the relevant background for our synthetic character--where he went to school, what his family is like, and so on,' said Selmer Bringsjord, head of Rensselaer's Cognitive Science Department and leader of the research project. 'We want to engineer, from the start, a full-blown intelligent character and converse with him in an interactive environment like the holodeck from Star Trek.'"
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Robot rights - a poser for the 21st century
Even the most enthusiastic promoters of robot rights admit that it is likely to be mid-century before humanity has to grant legal rights to our creations, but they say we should start considering the problems now."
Shape-shifting magnetic bots take a page out of the Dharma playbook
Friday, January 18, 2008
Week in video: Robots of the future
CNET Week in video: Robots of the future, technology today: "At the RoboDevelopment Conference and Exposition in San Jose, Calif., we get a look at some robotics that could make their way to the market in the next few years. Also, we have a special look at Tokyo, a city well-known for its efficiency and as an epicenter for technology."
Contact lenses with circuits, lights a possible platform for superhuman vision
University of Washington News and Information Contact lenses with circuits, lights a possible platform for superhuman vision: "Engineers at the University of Washington have for the first time used manufacturing techniques at microscopic scales to combine a flexible, biologically safe contact lens with an imprinted electronic circuit and lights.
'Looking through a completed lens, you would see what the display is generating superimposed on the world outside,' said Babak Parviz, a UW assistant professor of electrical engineering. 'This is a very small step toward that goal, but I think it's extremely promising.'"
Sunday, January 13, 2008
New Games Merge Fantasy With Real World
Ray Kurzweil talks about 'augmented reality' and the Singularity
About On-A-Slant Virtual Village - NSDU ATL
The On-A-Slant Virtual Village was modeled based on scholarly research of the site, the Native population, and the era. The Virtual Village is as historically accurate as the documentation allows. The slice of time presented to viewers is ca. 1776, five years before the village's abandonment in 1781."
Using VR to increase intelligence
Passig is a 'futurist' whose teaching and research involves concepts - like virtual reality - used to only talked about in science fiction novels. But while his methods may seem exotic, his goals are very real: finding better ways of helping people - particularly children - learn."
Augmented Reality: A New Way of Seeing
Howstuffworks "How Augmented Reality Will Work"
Our Lives, Controlled From Some Guy’s Couch
Virtual Eve: first in human computer interaction
Eve is what is known in the information sciences as an intelligent or affective tutoring system that can adapt its response to the emotional state of people by interaction through a computer system.
The system “Easy with Eve” is thought to be the first of its type."