Monday, January 4, 2010

Thought-to-Speech Machine Could Be the Beginning of Something Huge - Neuralynx system - Gizmodo

Thought-to-Speech Machine Could Be the Beginning of Something Huge - Neuralynx system - Gizmodo: "The Neuralynx System translates thoughts into speech. It connects to the neurons, sending signals wirelessly to a laptop, which translates the brain activity into spoken English. It's not science fiction: They tried it with a paralyzed 26-year-old and it works.

According to the research paper, they inserted the electrodes into the patient's brain, installing signal amplifiers and transmitters under the scalp. The circuitry—powered by an induction electric supply—transmits the signals to a laptop via FM radio. The software then converts the analog signal to digital data that the neural decoder interprets these into speech commands, which are then sent to the synthesizer."

GR: Wow. We can already bypass the external mechanics of auditory processing by directly stimulating the  cochlea; if we can bypass the mechanics of speech, we really could have direct brain-to-brain communication. Volunteers?

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