Space exploration is a perfect place for using smart dust and other nanotech. Rather than sending huge, expensive, complex devices to other planets (think Mars Rovers, which nevertheless are pretty cool) why not send a swarm of nanodevices that can be dispersed over a large portion of the planet. This approach could be much more robust -- half the sensors could fail, and we'd still receive plenty of interesting info. BBC News reports:
"Tiny 'smart' devices that can be borne on the wind like dust particles could be carried in space probes to explore other planets, UK engineers say. The devices would consist of a computer chip covered by a plastic sheath that can change shape when a voltage is applied, enabling it to be steered.Even better, use nanotech von Neumann probes (devices that are capable of self-replication). In theory, we could send a couple hundred such probes to a place like Europa, and they would use the raw materials found there to replicate themselves, resulting in massive coverage from a small initial payload.
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