Friday, September 10, 2010

Screensaver discovers new star

One of the first significant applications of distributed computing I heard about (and actually participated in) was SETI@home, a project that uses the computers of volunteers to analyze radio telescope data. Another is the search for Mersenne Primes -- in 2008 the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) found the then-largest known Mersenne Prime; a number that would stretch 30 miles if printed in 12-point type.

Here's another success of distributed computing: the discovery of a new star:
"WASHINGTON -- Astronomers announced Thursday the discovery of a new star, found with help from a most unusual source -- a screen saver.

Chris and Helen Colvin, owners of the personal computer running the screen saver are participants in a project called Einstein@home, an experiment in distributed computing that uses the donated idle time from hundreds of thousands of home computers across the globe in lieu of more expensive supercomputers." See original story at

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